The First steam built streamlined

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The Milwaukee Road ordered four steam locomotives from ALCO in 1935 to pull their new Hiawatha trains. These were the first steam locomotives built streamlined. The very first steam locomotive to be streamlined was a J Class Hudson on the New York Central in 1934. Its streamlined shroud was placed over an existing engine.

A locomotive deserving of streamlining

The Milwaukee Road wanted speed and chose a 4-4-2 “Atlantic” type locomotive for their Hiawatha trains. With 84 inch driving wheels, these new “Class A” locomotives could pour on the speed. The official top speed, as measured by a dynamometer car, was 112.5 miles per hour. This was a locomotive that was as fast as its new aerodynamic streamlined design.

The railroad designated them as their Class A. They had large fireboxes and 84 inch driving wheels – meaning a lot of power and a lot of speed.

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